Saturday, September 20, 2014

It's a...

Since things were going pretty normal for my pregnancy I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound for quite some time. We were too anxious to wait and see what we were having so we went to Fetal Fotos to find out. Just as I had predicted we were having a boy. We were so excited because now we could start buying items for the baby since we knew the gender.

Here came the fun part, how do we share the gender news with our parents? At this point we had ordered all of the nursery furniture. Josh had built it, but our parents had not seen it yet. So we called our parents to come on over to see the finished furniture (wink, wink). I had hung baby blue balloons with his ultrasound photo over the crib. Our parents and family walked into our nursery with a surprise. They were thrilled and yes there was lots of tears again.